Avari Blog

Getting Started with Dynamic Content 2.0

[fa icon="calendar"] Mar 24, 2018 / by Nick Dijkstra

Send Personalized Emails with Dynamic Content 2.0

We all know the benefits of adding personalization to your emails, and marketers are finally beginning to prioritize it.

Case in point: in a 2014 study, 97% of marketers in B2C companies admitted they would like to have a long-term solution for highly personalized content.

So, why aren’t more people doing it?

Most of the people in the aforementioned study confessed that they use limited techniques. The same study also found that 66% of marketing executives struggle finding affordable personalization technology, while 65% have said it is too difficult to build or integrate it on their own.

And that’s the main sticking point. The hurdles to get personalization off the ground have always been significant. In 2014, the attitude throughout the industry was that better personalization in emails was still largely out of reach. While everyone could agree on the importance of it, not everyone had been doing it, or doing it right.

We understand that implementing new technology in email marketing usually faces issues. As the stats above suggest, it’s either:

  • too expensive to buy
  • too difficult to build
  • too complicated to integrate
  • all of the above

As a growing tech company, we’ve faced many of these issues ourselves, which is why we decided to deliver dynamic email content technology differently. For decades, ESPs have relied upon mail merge capabilities to insert text-based data — such as names or special greetings — into blanket emails. But that was as far as email personalization went.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead of irrelevant, static text, AVARI looks at the behavior of each and every one of your customers to predict and create a rich, highly relevant email experience. In using this information, we are able to transform an email blast into thousands of individual, personalized emails, thereby increasing the conversion and average order value for businesses.

Now that may sound too easy, or too good to be true, so let’s take a closer look at the technology behind our Predictive Recommendation Engine with Open-Time Personalization:

  1. Capture: When a site visitor or customer visits your website, a tag on your front-end captures key user behavior — including clicks, pages viewed, items in cart, items purchased, and social actions — and sends explicit and implicit information to the predictive data model.

  2. Analyze: Our proprietary data model analyzes the behavior, determines customer intent, and builds a profile specific to each individual. All of this happens automatically and continuously, resulting in rich insight that provides a real-time basis for each recommendation.
  1. Personalize: After setting up your campaign template using AVARI Dynamic Content Blocks, all you have to do is hit send. When a recipient opens the email, the content for each block is assembled and delivered on the fly: product recommendations, live social feeds, and lifecycle promotions with personalized coupons are all served up in a fraction of a second.

  1. Optimize: With every email opened and element clicked, AVARI intelligently updates the data model and recommended content grows increasingly more relevant over time. And since the software uses automated machine learning, marketers can focus on devising new strategies rather than being embroiled in designing AB tests.

Better yet, the above was built so that anyone can use it within or alongside his or her current marketing tools. We don’t deliver the emails for you; instead we simply work with your current email service.

How? You just build one campaign, add a dynamic content block to the layout, and our technology makes sure that all your recipients see the content that’s right for them, i.e. a completely personalized message with dynamic content at the moment of open. Furthermore, each and every content block is created with a mobile-first mindset, and optimized for viewing on any device.

If you’ve already put time, money, and effort into setting up complex, segmented, rules-based email triggering programs, you don’t have to throw all of that away to use AVARI. It’s designed for non-technical users to transform their email marketing into predictive dynamic campaigns, it’s very easy to set up and run, and it delivers results that impress.

Getting Started with AVARI Dynamic Content 2.0

Getting Started with AVARI

In practice, this means that you can get started in three easy steps. First, connect your personal AVARI Mapper, a simple JavaScript tag, by placing it on the front-end of your website to collect visitor behavior.

Next, connect your social channels to our app, and we will pre-populate a couple of content blocks for you to get started. You can tweak them, or create more, and once you are ready, export the HTML code.

In the final step, all you have to do is paste the resulting code into your email campaign and you are good to go. That’s Dynamic Content 2.0.

Topics: AVARI, Dynamic Content

Nick Dijkstra

Written by Nick Dijkstra

Nick is the Director of Customer Success at AVARI, where he’s responsible for delivering a product that meets expectations, helping our users uncover creative solutions to their problems, and optimizing customer results. He is a huge fan of food, tech, design, startup culture, and connecting with new people.

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