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3 Ways Dynamic Content Helps Increase Email Conversions

[fa icon="calendar"] Jul 31, 2018 / by Cynthia Price


The job of an email marketer is tougher than ever. Your audience’s inboxes are crowded, their attention spans are short, and you’re competing with everyone from their boss to their old college roommate for what little attention they’re willing to pay. 

But before you start updating your resume for a career change, there’s hope! These stats tell a story:

  • 56% of people unsubscribe from email lists due to content that's not relevant (Chadwick Martin Bailey).
  • Relevant email drives 18x more revenue than broadcast email (Juniper Research).
  • 82% of consumers admitted they would buy more items via emails that had better personalization (Harris Poll and Listrak Survey).
When it comes to standing out in the inbox and driving better conversion rates from open through click, relevance is key – and there’s no better way for email marketers to be relevant than to use dynamic content.

With dynamic content, you can send one email to your audience, and create a completely optimized experience for each recipient based on the data you’ve collected about them. It’s the ultimate in personalization and can help drive more clicks, conversions and revenue for your business than ever before.

Here’s how a few of our customers are optimizing email conversion rates using dynamic content at Emma. 

Personalize your communications

Something as simple as personalizing the sender of your company’s emails can go a long way toward creating a lasting connection with your audience. Maintaining client relationships is important for Celtic Capital Corporation, so they use dynamic content to close each email with the signature and contact information of the sales representative each client works with. It’s simple, yet effective, and gives every client a cohesive brand experience.

Send content that aligns with customer interests

When a new customer visits the dealership, Bowen Scarff Ford records which car they came in to see so they can follow up with an automated email that highlights that particular car. So someone who came in to look at a Ford Fiesta would see an image and information on the Fiesta, whereas someone interested in a Fusion would see information on a Fusion. It’s a classic example of using dynamic content to be more relevant to every customer, and they don’t have to send multiple emails to do it.

Tailor content based on purchase history

The Athletics Department at the University of South Carolina has some information that all of their subscribers need, like that season’s schedule, and some information that’s only relevant to particular segments, like season ticket renewal. That’s where dynamic content comes into play. In one email, they can use a section to share universal information with everyone and another section for content that’s tailored to each segment. For example, for fans who have already purchased season tickets, he can include a video that gets them pumped for the season. And for those who haven’t purchased yet, he can include a call to action to get tickets before they sell out. 

As you can see, dynamic content is super adaptable – it works with whatever data fields you’re capturing from your audience, whether that’s location, purchase history or spirit animal (red panda, since you asked). And you’re in total control – it only displays the content you tell it to in response to the data fields you assign.

With dynamic content, creating smart, targeted email marketing programs is not only possible, but it’s a breeze. It allows you to treat your audience like people – not a list – and that not only creates more conversions, but also all kinds of goodwill and loyalty for your brand.

Looking for more ideas to improve your email marketing results?

Check out The Modern Marketer’s Field Guide. It’s packed with tips for creating emails that truly stand out and create a personal experience for every subscriber.


#EmailCRO is an Email Optimization Experts Series featuring best practice advice and technology insights from email marketing and conversion rate optimization thought leaders and industry experts. Subscribe to the #EmailCRO Twitter list to learn more and join the conversation.

Topics: Dynamic Content, Email Optimization

Cynthia Price

Written by Cynthia Price

Cynthia Price is Director of Marketing at Emma, a provider of best-in-class email marketing software and services. With an extensive background in sales and marketing, Cynthia represents Emma at conferences across the country, where she can be found geeking out about everything from subject lines to audience segmentation.

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