Brand marketers create and publish content to attract more business. Their values, features, services, community and other facets are shared through a variety of multimedia stories intended to capture attention and drive website visitors. Once a visitor arrives, their journey through a website produces rich indicators of intention. Understanding a visitor’s intent more accurately allows a brand to personalize their experience at various meaningful touchpoints.
Micro-targeting and one-to-one personalization are the ultimate goals. They're achieved by feeding the onsite visitor behavioral data into a predictive model that finds all kinds of relationships. The patterns ultimately point towards the next best content each individual will want to see, hear, share and – most importantly – enjoy.
There are two primary kinds of onsite behavioral data that a visitor generates, namely explicit and implicit. Explicit data is very important and provides the basis for all personalization technologies. It’s an obvious event like a form submission or survey completion. The visitor explicitly tells you that they are interested in something.
In addition to explicit data, AVARI powers it’s personalized marketing engine with implicit data to deliver a new innovation in content discovery. Implicit visitor behaviors are less obvious. They’re also the basis for a more comprehensive understanding as to which content is going to be most appealing to a person next.
Implicit data includes things like clicks, pages visited, dwell time on a page and how far they scrolled, content viewability, device usage, and abandonment of forms. Implicit data allows far more fine-tuning of recommendations than the broader categories and tags used for traditional segmentation. Furthermore, when captured and used in real-time, implicit data allows for personalization of content based on moment-to-moment choices and preferences.
The use of implicit data for producing recommendations is a newer but known method for improving conversion rates in e-commerce. However, the application of implicit data in a content marketing personalization engine for brand publishers and content marketers that have non-transactional websites is a cutting-edge innovation in development by AVARI. The use of implicit data is the best indicator of interest since an explicit event like a purchase doesn't usually happen with marketing content. Superior recommendations are able to be made with real-time relevance.